We have previously gone thru the feature of Holokote offered from Magicard printers and you are already aware that the entire Magicard printers come with a Standard set of Holokotes. Except on the Mid-range printer series 100 NEO all other printers 360 NEO and Magicard Ultima support HOLKOTE Customization.

CUSTOMIZATION OF HOLKOTE – recreating or designing the Holokote as per the requirement of the users.  Magicard offers an option of customizing the Holokote on 360 NEO and Ultima model of ID card printer.  

An organization logo or an identification image can be utilized to print on the card surface as a HOLKOTE. And it unifies the card design printed from these printers. Security is a major concern for every organization and with HOLOKOTE printed on the card it makes the security check more easily and faster.

And Holokote printing does not add any additional cost, as it utilizes the overlay panel in the ribbon. This makes Holokote the most affordable option for your security concerns.

More insight on Holokote, Holokote generation goes thru a strict process of evaluation to avoid duplicity and false generation.  Additionally, each holokote generation is binded with the printer serial number so it will be void if used on a different printer than intended. More additional security can be combined with software features too.


  • Irreplaceable watermark on you card, which cannot be duplicated
  • Max up to 10 Custom holokote supported on the printers.
  • An UV effect with retransfer printing, when printed with retransfer printer Holokote glows under UV light.
  • No Additional ribbons or lamination film needed for holokote printing. No MOQ for buying the ribbons or additional manufacturing cost.
  • Holopatch and Gold patch cards for improved security on direct to card printers.
  • Choice of selection, you can choose between standard and custom holokote to print on both sides or individually on the front or back of the card separately.
  • SEAMLESS loading of Holokote. Simple procedures to select the holokote from printer settings.
  • Order online or thru the supplier for new Holokote.

Custom Holokote is a new wave of security features patented by Magicard. With the introduction of the retransfer printer model Holokote has proven to be the best alternative for Hologram. As it is very much affordable and available quicker than the Hologram.

Users have an absolute choice on the use of the Holokote where they can use it and how to use it.  And can print different holokote with the same printer with absolutely no hassle at all.

SMARTWORLD being in the ID card printers industry for the past 15 years has helped many companies and individuals with ID card design software and Printing. Has supported many customers with custom holokote generation and implementation.  Many government and private organizations have already implanted HOLKOTE onto their ID cards and other cards supplied to users.

If you wish to start your ID card with holokote or generate a new Holokote for the organization, please contact us at +971 4 220 6464 or +971 4 261 2287 or email us at