We all know best brands for the ID cards printer and also know which technology would be suitable for our ID cards. We get the best designer to work on the designs and Make sure the design stands out. In all these we forget an important product which needs the most attention, PVC CARD.

How PVC cards are important for your ID card?

All out ID card is printed on the plastic material and it deserved utmost importance when you choose the cards. Wrong selection of the card might ruin your ID cards. Some of the most common problems encountered can be listed as:

  • Improper Output
  • Damaged Chip area
  • Bent card
  • Printing issues
  • Patched printing and more

Why these problems?

ID card printing basically uses two methods, Direct to card printing and retransfer technology, where the dye sublimation method is used to transfer the color from dye film onto the card surface. If a chosen card material is of bad quality, this affect the color transfer on the card hence damaging your ID card or other type of card printing.

Colors of the PVC – most of our designs have white background or color is transferred on the white surface. Any slight difference in the white color make your design look dull or more darker, an opt white color is always necessary to make sure the your design looks elegant after printing.

Material evenness – with Chipped cards, Proximity cards, Mifare cards or other NFC cards, plastic material should be evenly distributed otherwise the chip might be damaged during the printing due exposure to heat or printing element.

Smooth/Even surface and corners – Maintaining the uniformity over the surface and edges of the card is important if and otherwise, an uneven surface poses problem with printing as well as it might even damage the printing element (print head) which costs more than half price of the printer to replace it.

Uneven edges make the printing to chop of at the edges or will damage the interior parts of an ID card printer, which leads to breakdown or repeated maintenance cost for an organization.


IMAGEDEC, manufacturer of PVC cards, produces good quality PVC cards, which maintains size color, thickness specification from first card till today.  With wide variety of cards, plastic cards, RFID cards, Extra-large cards and etc.,

Manufacturing perfectly rounded edges with even surfaced cards makes it better suited for your ID card printers making the printer to run smoothly.Smartworld has supplied Imagedec cards to customer all over UAE and Middle East with zero complaints and 100 % satisfaction from the customer.

Smartworld and Magicard with more than 15 years of experience in Identification market and ID CARD Printers have catered many such requirements for multi-national companies and government entities.

Do you have question to ask? , are you looking for a suitable ID card Printer? do you need the any type of PVC or RFID Card? do you need professional assistance to your printing solutions? Contact +9714 2612287 or +9714 2206464 or email: enquiries@smartworld.ae.